Lallemand Abbaye™ Yeast 11gLalBrew Abbaye™ is an ale yeast of Belgian origin. Selected for its ability to ferment Belgian style beers ranging from low to high alcohol, LalBrew Abbaye™ produces the spiciness and fruitiness typical of Belgian and Trappist style ales. When fermented at higher temperatu..
Lallemand BRY-97™ American West Coast Ale Yeast 11gLalBrew BRY-97™ is an American West Coast-style ale yeast that was selected from the Siebel Institute Culture Collection for its ability to produce clean fermentations for high quality ales. LalBrew BRY-97™ is a neutral and highly attenuating strain..
CBC-1 Cask & Bottle Conditioning Yeast 11gLalBrew® LalBrew® CBC-1 has been specifically selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection for its refermentation properties and is recommended for Cask and Bottle Conditioning. LalBrew® CBC-1 referments beer efficiently due to its high resistan..
Lallemand Diamond Lager Yeast 11g
LalBrew Diamond™ – Lager yeast is a true lager strain originating in Germany. Chosen for its robust character, LalBrew Diamond™ –
Lager yeast delivers excellent fermentation performance, and has the
ability to produce clean, authentic lagers. Traditional style..
Lallemand Farmhouse Hybrid Saison-Style Yeast 500gLalBrew
Farmhouse™ is a non-diastatic hybrid that has been selected to make
saison-style and farmhouse style beers. This product is the result of
the research and development work of Renaissance Yeast in Vancouver BC,
Canada. LalBrew Farmhous..
Lallemand Kveik Voss Dried Yeast 11gKveik is a Norwegian word meaning yeast. In the Norwegian farmhouse tradition, kveik was preserved by drying and passed from generation to generation.
Kveik is the original, traditional dried yeast! The LalBrew® Voss strain was obtained from Sigmund Gjernes (Vos..
Munich Classic Wheat Beer Yeast 11g WholesaleLalBrew® Munich Classic is a Bavarian wheat beer strain that can easily express the spicy and estery aroma profile typical to German wheat beer styles. This strain is simple to use over a wide range of recipe variations and fermentation conditions, makin..
Lallemand New England Ale Yeast 11gPacked from the large microbrewery pitch in foil and vac packed to allow you to experience this amazing new yeast
LalBrewTM New England is an ale strain selected specifically for its ability to produce a unique fruit-forward ester profile desired in East Coast ..
Lallemand Nottingham Ale Yeast 11gLalBrewTM Nottingham is an English style ale yeast selected for its high performance and versatility for a wide variety of styles and fermentation conditions. Traditional styles brewed with this yeast include but are not limited to Pale Ales, Ambers, Porters, Stouts..
Lallemand Verdant IPA Yeast 11g
LalBrew® Verdant IPA was specially selected in collaboration with Verdant Brewing Co. (UK) for its ability to produce a variety of hop-forward and malty beers. Prominent notes of apricot and undertones of tropical fruit and citrus merge seamlessly with hop aromas. W..
Windsor British Style Beer Yeast 11g Wholesale
LalBrew® Windsor ale yeast is a true English strain that produces a balanced fruity aroma and imparts a slight fresh yeasty flavor. Beers created with Windsor are usually described as full-bodied, fruity English ales. Brewers choose LalBrew® Windsor ..
Lallemand Wit™ Yeast 11gBelgian wit-style ale yeastLalBrew Wit™ is a relatively neutral wheat beer strain which can be used to produce a wide variety of wheat beer styles. LalBrew Wit™ produces lower levels of esters and phenols compared to traditional hefeweizen strains such as LalBrew Munich Class..
WildBrew Philly Sour Lallemand Yeast 11g
LalBrewTM WildBrew™ series is a great choice for innovative, sessionable sour beers with refreshing acidity and notes of stone fruit. With high attenuation, high flocculation and good head retention, WildBrew™ Philly Sour is an ideal yeast for traditional ..
Lallemand NovaLager Yeast 11gLalBrew NovaLager™ is a true bottom-fermenting Saccharomyces Pastorianus hybrid from the novel Group III lineage selected to produce clean lager beers with distinct flavour characteristics and superior fermentation performance. LalBrew NovaLager™ is a robust lager strain..