Microbrewery Hops
Common Hop Formats
Whole Hops are the whole hop cone. You will also hear them referred to as leaf hops, dried in the kiln at the farm and then QC checked and packaged in foil and nitro flushed.
T90 Pellets contain over 90% of the non-resinous elements within the hop. Handy pellet form packaged in foil and nitro flushed.
T45 Pellets have 45% of the vegetative matter remaining and are milled at sub-zero temperatures, QC checked, foil packaged, and nitro flushed.
Liquid Hops is precisely that. Hops in liquid form. Hops are processed to extract and concentrate the bitterness, flavours and aromas. Various products to different things, so make sure you use the correct one to achieve what you need.
Hop Varieties we stock
- T90 Pellets
- Lupomax
- BBC Hop Pellets
We also stock Advanced Hop Products. CLICK HERE to see more info.
The GET 'ER BREWED Difference.
- Cold Chain storage, we have invested significantly in a new purpose-made cold warehouse to maintain all our hops below 5 degrees.
- The really stringent quality controls include testing for pesticides in every single batch and full batch analysis, providing a certificate of analysis telling you all you want to know about those important hop oils.
- We have the most extensive variety of hops from any hop merchant.
- Full technical support from a 225-year-old expert.
- We sell in any quantity you require, from small resealable packs right up to multiple tonnes of hops.
- Our contracts will guarantee access to some of the most sought-after hop varieties in the world.
- Hops are held in stock and ready for express shipping if required.
Need a hop contract?
Get in touch to see what we have available to spot buy, but it’s worth remembering that Hops are any brewery's lifeblood. A contract is definitely recommended for consistent supply. Global demand for many hops is increasing and that is causing some issues with consistency of supply and, in effect, driving the price upwards.
Contracting stabilises pricing and helps ensure you get at least some of the hops you need if not all and you get a consistently impressive hop product from one origin. It’s risky relying on the spot market for supply as some key hop varieties now just aren’t available on the spot market at any price, look at the hop variety Galaxy for example.
Regular communication and conversations about your brewery hop needs and a two-way relationship mean we can both make the contracts work for each other. A hop contract gives the farmers confidence to plant more hops ensuring continued supply.
*A hop contract is a legally binding agreement between the brewer who purchases and the hop merchant to supply a set amount of hops at a specific price, and the agreement usually lasts for 12 months.
One of the key points we think adds value when looking at a hop contract with Get Er Brewed is that we show flexibility if you need to make amendments. We can negotiate and explore options to help one another. We can’t promise to take everything back or give you all the extra hops you require; however, we will explore all possible options and try our best to be flexible.
Need more information on our Hops?
We can assist you with our technical support team.