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Microbrewery Account Access

If you already have a Homebrew Account and would like to register for a Microbrewery Account, please provide us with some additional info.

Extra Details Needed. 

We will need the following details to register you as a Microbrewery

  • Company Registration Name: The name of your business that is registered with tax/licensing authorities
  • Brewery Name: If different from your Company Registration Name
  • AWRS Number: eg XEAW000000123456
  • Company Registration No. (CRN): The company our brewery registration details with tax/licensing authorities
  • VAT number: If you are registered for VAT.
  • A contact details so we can proceed without delay
  • EORI Number
  • Registered business address

As with all wholesale accounts, discounts are applied based on your projected annual spending.

We will review your details and inform you of the progress. Your Homebrew Account will still work as usual.

Microbrewery Account Access

Microbrewery Registation