If you’re new to homebrewing, you might wonder what homebrewing equipment you need to get started. Before making your first batch of beer, here are seven must-have pieces of equipment to get you off the ground running. Here are 7 Must-Have Pieces of Homebrewing Equipment to Start Brewing.
Before you start shopping for home brewing equipment, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself.
Extract kit or All-grain?
Beer making falls into two main categories. Each will need different equipment to make.
Extract Beer Kit is relatively easy and uses less equipment. The malt comes in liquid form (malt extract). This means you will not need to mash any grains or boil any wort to make the beer. In turn, you won’t need the equipment for this step. We recommend starting with extract kits as it will help hone some basic brewing skills. Also, you can take most of the equipment needed here to other brewing methods.
All-Grain is a more advanced method, but this is the “proper” way to brew. You will need to mash the grains to convert the starches into fermentable sugars for the yeast. This means you will need some sort of boiling system. Some options are a pot on a stove or an All-In-One system. Both will do the job, but an All-In-One system will make your life way easier.
We have loads of kits to choose from:
GEB Beer Kits – Extract and All-Grain
Extract Beer Kits
What kind of beer do you want to brew?
There are many different beer styles, each requiring specific ingredients and brewing methods. The main aspect to look at is if it’s an ale or a lager. Ale ferments at higher temperatures, whereas lager is done at colder temperatures. This means you will need the appropriate equipment to maintain these temperatures. Do some research to determine what kind of beer you want to make, and then find a recipe or kit you can follow.
How much beer do you want to make?
Once you know the style, it’s time to decide how much beer you want to make. The amount will depend on your budget and space availability. An average brew is around 25 litres; you will need equipment and space to accommodate this. Also, keep in mind a fermenter needs about 20 – 25% of head space to avoid a blowout. So, for a 25-litre batch, you will need a 30 litre fermenter.
What is your Budget?
When starting home brewing, setting a budget for yourself is essential. There are many ways to make beer; some can be pretty expensive. But there are also many ways to homebrew on a budget. Invest in quality ingredients. Good ingredients will give you a leg up in brewing.
Let’s look at the Homebrewing Equipment.
For this list, we are going to concentrate on Extract brewing. This is where most people start. If you want to jump straight into all-grain brewing, we will have a post coming soon!
Here are seven must-have pieces of equipment that can help you start brewing beer at home without breaking the bank.
1 . A brewing vessel
To make beer, you need a brewing vessel. For extract brewing, all you will need is a food-grade bucket. We recommend one with a bubbler, a tap, and an airtight seal. It can then double up as your fermenter.
There are a few reasons we recommend using a fermenter to start your extract brewing:
- Because you’re not boiling anything, there’s no need for cooking equipment.
- You won’t need to transfer the wort and less chance of infection
- There is less to clean before and after brewing.
- It saves you cash!
You can also use other fermenting vessels to start your brew in, such as Fermzilla 30L All Rounder or A Stainless Steel Conical Fermenter. Just make sure it has a big enough top opening. So you give the extract and water a good mix using a big spoon or paddle. These are good options that will last forever, however, are more expensive.
You can also have a dedicated brewing vessel that can’t be used as a fermenter. This option is if you want to brew one batch and put it into multiple fermenters. Choose something that is easy to clean and can easily transfer the wort. A Brewferm Stainless Steel Kettle with a ball valve is a good example. These are versatile as you can also do All-Grain brewing in it.
2 . A Fermenter
We did say that your brewing vessel can double up as a fermenter. However, you will need multiple fermenters if you are doing multiple batches. The fermenter is where the magic happens. The yeast goes to work, converting all those delicious sugars into alcohol. A good fermenter will have an airtight lid to prevent unwanted nasties from ruining your beer. It should also be made of a material that won’t react with the beer. Stainless steel or food-grade plastic are good choices.
A fermenter will also need a bubbler system. This is a must unless you are fermenting under pressure. Yeast gives off CO2 gas when fermenting. The gas needs to escape to prevent a pressure bomb! You also don’t want oxygen and infections coming in, and a bubbler will prevent this.
A tap on your fermenter will make life easier when packaging. Using gravity, you can full bottles or a keg. You can syphon your beer out, but this can sometimes be tricky. Using a purpose-made syphon is the best suggestion.
3 . Bottles (and Bottling equipment)
When your brew is done fermenting, it will need packaging. Packaging will also get the beer carbonated with secondary fermentation. There are a few ways to do this, but bottles are the easiest. You can also reuse bottles and use bottles from commercial brands. So it becomes even more cost-effective over time.
Like with any packaging, you will need a little more equipment. A bottle capper and caps are easy to use and won’t cost much. Just make sure they are clean and sanitized before using. Use brown bottles, as they will reduce the risk of light struck.
4 . Thermometer
Temperature is a crucial factor in successful brewing. Maintaining a constant temperature while fermenting keeps the yeast happy. And we like happy yeast. You will need to get your wort to the optimal temperature for the yeast. This is where a thermometer comes in. Also, maintaining a constant temperature while fermenting keeps the yeast happy. And we like happy yeast. Find a spot for the fermenter where temperatures don’t fluctuate and there is no direct sunlight (like a cupboard). Use a heat belt if you need higher temps. Thermometers are available in many shapes and sizes; pick one that best suits your needs.
5 . Sanitiser and Cleaning supplies
One of the essential things in brewing beer, or any type of alcohol, is cleanliness. Before you start brewing, ensure all your equipment is sanitized and clean. This will help ensure that your beer tastes great and doesn’t get infected. Some basic cleaning supplies you’ll need are a brush, some cleaning solution, and some towels. Using a no-rinse sanitiser is a good choice.
6 . Hydrometer
A hydrometer is a must for a homebrewer. It is used to measure the gravity of your brew. The staring gravity is taken before fermenting. The final gravity will let you know when your beer is done fermenting. These two readings are used to tell you the alcohol content of your beer. Without a hydrometer, knowing when your beer is finished fermenting or how strong it is would be impossible.
7 . Knowledge & Information
Now, strictly speaking, this isn’t equipment. However, it’s your strongest tool. Finding things out on your brew day can waste time at critical moments. Knowing the information about your brew will ensure a successful result.
Record keeping of your brew day is good practice. You can refer to it and troubleshoot any problems. You can also keep a record of beers you like or things you tweaked along the way.
Get a small book and write everything down.
In conclusion
Homebrewing is a fun and rewarding hobby. It requires specialized equipment, but nothing that’s out of reach. You can choose how you want to brew it, making it versatile.
To make choosing equipment easier, have a look at our Beer Making Kits. They come with everything you need to get started.
We are here to help. We want you to brew successfully with consistent results. So join the homebrew revolution, and let’s brew together. Also, check out our YouTube channel. There are loads of helpful videos to get you going, like the one below.