It’s great in glass.
You are at the end of your brew, time to get your precious liquid into a receptacle. Cans; kegs or glass bottles? There a few options to choose from; but you can’t beat a bottle. Lets have a look at some bottling solutions basics.
The look and feel of a glass bottle will compliment your beautiful brew. They give an aura of sophistication that other packaging cant live up to.
Other benefits:
– Glass bottles stay colder for longer.
– BPA free
– Traditional and authentic
– Easy and relatively low cost equipment needed for caping
– Reusable
Lets get going
What do you need to get your beer in a bottle?
Well, bottles for a start. Brown bottles are best, they give more protection against sunlight and getting “light-struck”. Light can negatively affect the beer, it can causes hops to breakdown and release compounds similar to what is found in skunk spray glands. And no one wants that.
We have some great, top quality brown bottles in 330ml, 500ml and flip-top options to choose from.
Filling the bottles will all depend on the system you’re using. The simplest way to do this is with gravity. Make sure your final vessel has a tap and you are ready to go. Simply pour the beer straight into the bottle. A bottle filling stick makes this task much easier. Just make sure you don’t get any of the sediment into your bottle.
The last step is to cap them off. With an easy to use capper and a few caps, this task is a breeze.
The hardest part will be deciding what colour cap you want to use.

Cleaning is key.
Just like every step of brewing; sanitise, sanitise, sanitise. Bottling is no different. The last thing you want is a batch to be destroyed by a microbe. Those bottles (even brand new ones) need to be squeaky clean on the inside.
Oxi No Rinse Cleaner is a brilliant product and easy to use. Put 5 litres of water into a sink and add your sterilising powder and stir until dissolved. Part fill each bottle a third with the solution and shake so that the liquid contacts all surfaces. Leave to stand for 10 minutes. Empty bottle no rinse required.
There are a number of other cleaning and sanitation products, we have a wide range available on our website. Use what you are comfortable with.

Use a bottle brush to give them a good scrub.
If you are wanting to rinse the bottle, a eco rinser will get it done quickly and without hassle.
Next is to let them dry. A bottle tree or Easy Drainer helps here; they will keep you bottles upside down and safe from clanging about while they dry.

All of these great products are available on our website.
Have a look at our YouTube videos for some more info and great tips on bottling and cleaning.