The decision to start homebrewing can be on a whim. Maybe you tried a friend’s homebrew and were surprised, or maybe you want to know what actually goes into the beers, ciders and wines you consume. There are lots of reasons to start brewing your own. Modern home brewing has changed a lot, and it’s now possible to brew better than shop bought for a fraction of the price.
If you are unsure how to start, we would love to help. Drop us an email ([email protected]) or a message on social media, and we will be delighted to help. Check out our websites & youtube channel for help too.
We can cater for a wide range of budgets and care about this industry long-term. So we will only sell equipment and the best ingredients we can source. You see we want people to brew successfully and consistently, and then they will, in turn, keep buying ingredients from us. With tremendous buying power, we have passed the savings on to the home brewers.
Geterbrewed started a homebrew revolution in 2013 as keen home brewers ourselves wanting to make our beers and wines. We are proud to say we lead the way with innovative brewing equipment and diverse ingredients. Allowing you to brew anything you want.
So Join us, help a friend, or even give the gift of home brewing. Geterbrewed has homebrew starter kits for all levels of experience. From hedgerow winemakers to professional brewery equipment and all the great stuff in between.
Homebrewing has changed, and it’s awesome. Why not save some money, have a lot of fun and get rewarded in the process: